NACPA Episcopal Moderator Bishop Weisenburger concelebrates Farmworkers’ Mass

NACPA Episcopal Moderator Bishop Weisenburger concelebrates Farmworkers’ Mass saluting their labors 

Bishop Edward Weisenburger, Diocese of Tucson

Bishop Edward Weisenburger, episcopal moderator for NACPA, concelebrated the Farmworkers’ Early Morning Mass with Bishop Enrique Sanchez Martinez of Mexicali on December 5 in San Luis, Yuma County, Arizona. Bishop Weisenburger, bishop of Tucson, thanked the congregation for their labors and underscored that diocesan leaders stand in solidarity with farm workers. 

"It's really fundamentally important to celebrate this community because... they are the ones who are actually bringing our food to our table for us... It's very important for us to stand in solidarity with these people who are serving us so very very well."


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