Prayers for September 11
Twenty-two years ago on September 11, terrorist attacks against the United States shocked our nation—and the entire world.
We remember in prayer those who lost their lives on that day and in its aftermath. We salute the brave men and women who defended our country then and who continue that mission today.
Please join us in praying these following intercessions:
• For the Church, that she may continue to provide care and healing for all, especially those affected by the attacks on September 11, 2001, we pray to the Lord.
• For all victims of violence and terrorism around the world, and for their families, that they may find comfort and peace, we pray to the Lord.
• For the safety of our servicemen and women abroad, for civil servants, who protect us, and keep us safe, and for all who live with war and violence, we pray to the Lord.
• For our leaders, and for the leaders of all nations, that they may work together to address the problems that provide fertile ground for the growth of terrorism, we pray to the Lord.
Prayer adapted from USCCB